Tsukiko and the Satellite and other stories (digital)


DIGITAL RELEASE This is the first English-language collection from the Kyoto-based Japanese painter and comic creator “MISSISSIPPI”. Five dreamy sci~fi short stories that bring to life small, everyday moments: a long wandering father returns home; an unusual guest joins a woman on her evening “alone”; a bike repair job that’s more than meets the eye; a summer laborer becomes acquainted with a mysterious girl; a contemplative rumination after cleaning the aquarium. This collection includes works produced from 2014 to 2019: Tsukiko and the Satellite, Audrey Hepburn 2049, Supermoon, David, Down the Uji River, and was published through careful collaboration with the author. Translation of Tsukiko and the Satellite and Audrey Hepburn 2049 was provided by Anna Schnell. SFX and cover lettering was…



[excerpt, from about 25 minutes in:

“The author… does sci-fi tinged stories, but it’s a kind of mundane sci-fi… taking place in a future with fascinating things like androids, but [concerning] somebody’s daily life”, “…from the panel layouts and how they tell their narrative, this feels like a western comic, but the art touch feels like an old-school adult manga like you might find in a newspaper (distinct from seinen or gekiga manga)”, “one of my favorite stories is ‘David’…”, “I was really taken aback… when I saw  a picture of the hamburglar”.]


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